A Super Specialty Centre For Ear, Nose & Throat Diseases
Holistic care with utmost precision is our aim for treating simple to complex cases. We at Vellore ENT Centre intend to bring to you treatment for all ENT ailments assisted by most advanced and latest technology. Our success rate in surgical outcomes have proved time and again. However for us the most important thing is patient care at affordable rates ,yet giving the best facilities to our esteemed patients.
- For hastle free appointment
- Kindly book your slots well in advance
- Average waiting time lasts between 1 to 1.5 hours
We Offer for You
” In an emergency, what treatment is given by ear? Words of Comfort “

Welcome To Vellore Ent Centre, Patna
Complete ENT Solutions in One Place
We as a team welcome you to a all together different centre in its kind not only our services will satisfy you and cater to your ENT needs with the most updated technology,but at the same time we aim at best hygiene at the centre. Our volumes of successfully treated patients and surgeries done at our centre are our best rewards we have earned till now. We learn each day to be better We learn each day to cater you better hoping your support and belief in our entire team
Dr. Gaurav Ashish, Director, Vellore ENT Centre, Patna

Surgeries routinely done at our centre
Clinic with Innovative Approach to Treatment
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum

Complete Medical Solutions in One Place
Porta semper lacus cursus, feugiat primis ultrice in ligula risus lorem auctor tempus feugiat dolor lacinia cubilia curae integer congue leo metus, eu mollislorem primis in orci integer metus mollis faucibus. An enim nullam tempor sapien gravida donec pretium and ipsum porta justo integer at velna vitae auctor integer congue
Dr. Gaurav Ashish Director, CEO of Vellore ENT Centre

Solutions to Complex Medical Problems
- Audiometry
- Tympanometry
- Hearing aid trial and fitting
- Heaing aid reprogramming
- Rigid nasal endoscopy
- Rigid laryngoscopy
- Otoendoscopy
- BERA PHONE-Only centre in the entire state to do auditory screeing done with this machine
- Otoacoustic emission testing
- Flexible Nasopharyngolaryngoscopy
- Examination under microscope

What Our Patients Say
Feedback that matters the most from the happy customers

Better Technologies for Better Healthcare
Our mission is to heal with the best medical care available locally at the best prices and heal the body and soul with a combination of medication, indulgence and travel and be the best ENT Specialist Clinic in Patna, Bihar.